crisis care catharsis

Ruins of the City, Fragments of Redemption

The urban decay does not signal the end of everything. The ruin and rubble find their afterlife in the makeshift shelters of migrants, projectiles of protest, and the watchword of Azaadi, regenerating the very promise of the city in the process.

RAM KUMAR The City, 1958 Oil on Canvas
RAM KUMAR Untitled (Benaras), 1963 Oil on canvas
BIKASH BHATTACHARJEE In June 19, 1976 Mixed media on paper pasted on board
GULAMMOHAMMED SHEIKH Ahmedabad: The City Gandhi Left Behind, 2015-2016 Casein and pigment on canvas
ASHIM PURKAYASTHA Shelter, 2019Found objects, rice paper, stone bricks
ASHIM PURKAYASTHA Untitled, 2019Found objects, rice paper, stone bricks
ANITA DUBE Stone Mountain, 2016 365 Stones, velvet, glass, aluminum